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Health Reference Series

Women and Cancer Sourcebook, 7th Ed.

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Cancer is a group of diseases that can begin in different places in the body. All women are at risk of cancer, but some groups are at higher risk than others. Our genes, lifestyle, and the environment around us may raise or lower our risk of getting cancer. For women, the three most common cancers are breast, lung, and colorectal, and they will account for an estimated 50 percent of all new cancer diagnoses in women in 2020. With improved cancer screening programs and innovative treatments, women receiving a cancer diagnosis today have a better chance of overcoming their disease than ever before.

Women and Cancer Sourcebook, Seventh Edition offers updated information about gynecologic cancers and other cancers of special concern to women, including breast cancer and cancers of the female reproductive organs. It also explains cancer risks – including lifestyle factors, inherited genetic abnormalities, and hormonal medications – and methods used to diagnose and treat cancer. Suggestions for coping with the treatment side effects are provided, and a part on cancer survivorship discusses methods for maintaining the quality of life (QOL) during and after treatment. The book concludes with a glossary of cancer-related terms, a directory of resources, and facts about locating support groups.

Standard Features in the Health Reference Series

  • Library Binding, 6 x 9
  • 550-650 pages per volume
  • Easy-to-use volumes organized into parts and chapters. Parts focus on broad areas of interest. Chapters are devoted to single topics within a part.
  • Authoritative content from respected government agencies and institutes, university research centers, professional medical associations, and non-profit health organizations.
  • Comprehensive chapters feature generous use of headings and subheadings for ease of navigation.
  • Tables, charts, and illustrations display statistical data and supplement explanations.
  • Helpful glossary provides definitions of technical terms.
  • Resource directories with contact information highlight organizations that can provide further information and support.
  • Professionally prepared master index provides easy access to descriptive information, definitions, and related concepts.