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Teen Finance Series

Savings and Investment Information for Teens, 4th Ed.

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Savings and Investment Information for Teens, Fourth Edition provides updated information to help young adults learn how to develop the habit of saving money and investing for the future. It explains how the economy works and how factors such as interest rates and inflation impact personal wealth. It provides basic information about banking and lists smart ways to save money. It offers practical suggestions for developing a financial plan, and it describes the risks and rewards associated with various investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. Information about financial technology is provided along with the ways to stay away from identity frauds. The book concludes with a directory of resources for additional information.

This book is divided into parts and chapters. Parts focus on broad areas of interest; chapters are devoted to single topics within a part.

Part 1: Financial Fundamentals describes the basic principles that govern the functioning of the U.S. and global economies. It provides historical information about the use of money, explains the federal reserve system, the process of measuring gross domestic process (GDP) and national income and product accounts (NIPAs), and the economic factors that influence inflation and consumer prices.

Part 2: Money Management explains the five principles of money. It highlights the essential money management skills and briefs how parents can help teens manage money. It elaborates on the building blocks of financial capabilities and talks about the importance of setting financial goals. Details on how to understand financial statements and how to prepare a budget are provided along with a roadmap to savings and investment.

Part 3: Savings discusses the importance of saving money and explains how small savings add up to big money. The part describes the basics of banking and choosing the right bank account. It analyzes housing-related expenses and other personal expenses such as car, shopping, education, healthcare, and insurance.

Part 4: Investment talks about various investment options such as bonds, stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, including cryptocurrency. Details on investment risks and ways to avoid common investment scams are provided.

Part 5: Financial Apps and Data Security Concerns explores the apps which help in financial budgeting, investment, and tracking of funds. Information about data security is also provided.

Part 6: If You Need More Information provides a directory of savings and investment organizations.


Standard Features

  • Accessible organization—generous use of headings
  • Charts and tables aid comprehension of statistical data
  • Callout boxes highlight important information, define terms, or summarize chapter content
  • Resource directories with contact information guide further research
  • Comprehensive index
  • Library binding, 7 ¼ x 9 ¼
  • List price $71 per volume
  • School and Library Price $64 per volume