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Teen Health Series

Learning Disabilities Information for Teens, 3rd Ed.

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In the United States, nearly 6.5 million children and youth ages 3–21 currently receive special education services for learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and other disorders that affect language development, motor control, attention, and behavior. It is important to understand how students with learning disabilities can be helped. According to the 2016 Building a Grad Nation Data Brief, students without identified disabilities graduated at a rate of 84.8 percent, compared with just 63.1 percent of students with disabilities—a gap of more than 21 percentage points. In addition, 33 states graduate less than 70 percent of their students with disabilities Identifying and addressing problems as early as possible enables students to develop the skills and coping strategies needed to succeed in school and beyond.

Learning Disabilities Information For Teens, Third Edition describes early learning, the different kinds of learning disabilities, and their common signs, causes, and diagnostic procedures. It also discusses how other disabilities and chronic conditions can affect learning. Information on academic issues, such as homework, study habits, and assistive technology, is included along with coping tips and facts about laws designed to protect the rights of people with learning disabilities. The book also provides suggestions on online apps and games to assist with learning disabilities and a directory of organizations that can provide help.

Part 1: Learning Disabilities: An Overview defines early learning, learning disabilities, describes common signs and symptoms and discusses conditions, statistics, and research about learning disabilities. Information on causes and diagnoses of learning disabilities is also provided.

Part 2: Types of Learning Disabilities describes the three categories of learning disabilities—academic skills disorders, developmental speech and language disorders, and other disorders that include impaired sensory and motor skills, and information processing issues. The often-overlooked problems faced by gifted students with learning disabilities are also discussed.

Part 3: Factors That Can Play a Role in the Development of a Learning Disability provides information on certain factors, including genetics, environmental exposure, and substance abuse.

Part 4: Other Disabilities, Disorders, and Chronic Conditions That Affect Learning provides information on medical conditions and physical challenges that can affect a student’s ability to learn either by interrupting the educational process or by affecting the ways in which the brain processes information. These conditions include bipolar disorder, cancer treatment aphasia, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, Down syndrome, Tourette syndrome, abusive head trauma, Klinefelter syndrome, and Turner syndrome.

Part 5: Consideration for Teenagers with Learning Disabilities provides facts about understanding and accessing different school options. It explains how to evaluate a learning disability, why it is important, and how to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). It provides practical suggestions for areas that may be especially challenging, including doing homework, improving study skills, and providing effective academic instruction for children with ADHD. It also provides information on available assistive technology, explains career development options, and offers tips about transition planning and evaluating educational options after high school. It also covers postsecondary options, volunteerism, leadership, employment supports, a career with federal government, and employment.

Part 6: Living with a Learning Disability offers help to students in areas where they may face challenges, such as outside of the classroom, self-esteem, self-advocacy, and social skills. Commonly encountered problems, such as bullying, coping with sibling issues, barriers to participation, and employment discrimination, are also discussed.

Part 7: Learning Disabilities and Your Legal Rights provides information on the laws that protect people with learning disabilities. These include the education rights of people with disabilities, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), voter accessibility laws, discrimination and harassment, and traveling.

Part 8: If You Need More Information provides a directory of organizations that can able to provide additional help or support and a list of selected online apps and games that can assist those with learning disabilities.


Standard Features

  • Library binding, 7 ¼ x 9 ¼
  • 400 pages per volume
  • Includes online access
  • Authoritative content from respected health organizations; non-technical language and writing style is accessible to young people
  • Chapter headings and subheadings break up descriptive text and provide easy navigation
  • Standardized callout boxes highlight important information, define terms, or summarize a chapter’s contents
  • Tables, charts, and illustrations provide visual aids for technical information and supplement explanations
  • Directory of resources with contact information guide further research and identify sources of information and support
  • Comprehensive index provides easy access to descriptive information, definitions, and related concepts