Ready-Reference Directories
Headquarters USA 2023, 45th Ed.
- Author/Editor: James Chambers, General Editor
- Binding: Hardcover
- Trim Size: 8 ½ x 11
- Page Count: 3,600 2-vol. set
- Publication Date: January 2023
- ISBN: 978-0-7808-2040-1
- List Price: $231.00
Headquarters USA lists headquarters and other central offices for the largest and most important businesses, organizations, agencies, and institutions in the United States. Listings also are included for top Canadian businesses and organizations.
The 2023 edition of Headquarters USA contains 131,263 listings, presented by name and by subject. Individual listings in both the Alphabetical and Classified sections present each company or organization name along with its full address and telephone number. Most listings also include fax numbers (58,096) and websites (128,787), and 44,789 listings include toll-free telephone numbers. Trading symbols and corresponding stock exchanges are provided for 1,755 publicly traded companies.
With this comprehensive directory, you and your patrons can find verified, accurate, up-to-date information for all types of businesses, industries, and related organizations.
Mailing Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Toll-Free Phone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and World Wide Web Addresses for:
- Associations, Foundations, and Similar Organizations
- Businesses, Industries, and Professions of All Types
- Colleges, Universities, Vocational & Technical Schools, and Other Educational Institutions
- Electronic Resources, including Internet Companies, Organizations, and Websites
- Embassies, Consulates, and UN Missions & Agencies
- Professional Sports Teams, Other Sports Organizations, and Sports Facilities
Government Agencies & Offices at All Levels — City, County, State, and Federal
- Libraries, Museums & Galleries, Zoos & Botanical Gardens, Performing Arts Organizations & Facilities, and Other Cultural Institutions
- Media Newspapers, Magazines, Newsletters; and Radio & Television Companies, Networks, Stations and Syndicators
- Research Centers & Organizations, including Scientific, Public Policy, and Market Research
Including an Area/Zip Code Guide Covering more than 12,000 U.S. Cities and Towns, as well as Area Code Tables in State & Numerical Order; and a detailed Index to Classified Headings under which listings are organized in the Directory’s Classified Section.
Standard Features
- Associations
- Better Business Bureaus
- Businesses & Industries
- Chambers of Commerce
- City, County, State & Federal Government Agencies
- Colleges, Universities & Vocational Schools
- Consulates & Embassies
- Cultural Organizations
- Foundations
- Military Bases
- Political Organizations
- Sports Organizations
- United Nations Agencies & Missions
- and much more!
Plus . . .
- Area Code & Zip Code Guide for more than 11,000 cities
- Area Code Tables in both state and area code order
- Index to Classified Headings—includes extensive “See” and “See also” references