Health Reference Series
Drug Abuse Sourcebook, 7th Ed.
- Author/Editor: James Chambers, General Editor
- Binding: Library binding
- Trim Size: 6 x 9
- Page Count: 632
- Publication Date: December 2022
- ISBN: 978-0-7808-2020-3
- List Price: $97.00
- Download MARC record
Drug abuse remains a growing problem in the United States. In 2020 survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that an estimated 59.3 million Americans ages 12 or older—21.4 percent of the population—had used an illicit drug or abused prescription medication. This figure represented an increase from previous years mainly due to the widespread prevalence of marijuana use and increasing prescription drug misuse. There are spots of good news, however. The medical, social, and familial costs of substance use are enormous—nearly $740 billion a year according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
Drug Abuse Sourcebook, Seventh Edition provides updated information about the abuse of illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. It provides statistics about U.S. drug users as well as details about specific drugs of abuse, including their health consequences, addiction potential, and other harms to individuals, their families, and communities. The book offers information on drug rehabilitation and treatment options, as well as drug-use prevention strategies for parents, employers, individuals, and others seeking help for themselves or a loved one. The book concludes with glossaries of terms related to drug abuse and directories of resources for additional help and information.
Part I: Drug Abuse in the United States: Facts and Statistics presents core data regarding the drug abuse problem, detailing the prevalence of drug abuse and the costs to society in terms of medical care, hospitalization, and social consequences associated with drug use. It also discusses federal regulation of prescriptions, laws pertaining to illegal and legal drugs, and the current debate over medical and legalized marijuana.
Part II: Drug Abuse and Specific Populations describes drug use initiation and the effects of substance abuse on various groups, including children, adolescents, women, and LGBT community members. It also addresses different social factors affecting drug abuse, such as socioeconomic or employment status, and it considers drug use in inmate, veteran, senior, and disabled populations.
Part III: Drugs of Abuse provides facts about illicit and misused substances, such as performance enhancers, cannabinoids, inhalants, hallucinogens, narcotics, sedatives, and stimulants, including anabolic steroids, marijuana, Rohypnol, ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, heroin, hydrocodone, cocaine, methamphetamine, and many others. The part concludes with information about new and emerging drugs of abuse.
Part IV: The Causes and Consequences of Drug Abuse and Addiction explains the science behind addiction and what is known about the risk factors that can lead to drug dependency. Concerns related to coexisting alcohol problems or multidrug use are addressed, and the medical, legal, financial, and social ramifications of drug abuse are discussed. The part also looks at the connection between substance abuse and infectious diseases, and it addresses related mental-health issues, including suicide ideation.
Part V: Drug-Abuse Treatment and Recovery offers information about how to recognize the presence of a drug problem and how to take steps toward a healthier life, including first aid, intervention, and detoxification. It provides details about various methods of treatment, including buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone, and naloxone, as well as reports on strategies for sustaining recovery. The part also discusses the legal rights of those in recovery and concerns related to the criminal justice system.
Part VI: Drug-Abuse Testing and Prevention lays the groundwork for responses to drug abuse—in society, in schools, and especially in the home. It discusses the influence of parents on their children’s choices related to drug abuse, and it addresses concerns about preventing drug abuse in the workplace. Drug testing is discussed in detail, and federal drug-abuse prevention campaigns are described.
Part VII: Additional Help and Information provides resources for readers seeking further assistance. It includes a glossary of terms related to drug abuse and a listing of street terms for common drugs of abuse. It concludes with directories of state substance abuse agencies and other organizations providing resources on drug abuse and addiction.
Standard Features
- Library binding, 6 x 9
- 550-650 pages per volume
- Includes access to Health Reference Series Online.
- Easy-to-use volumes organized into parts and chapters
- Parts focus on broad areas of interest; chapters focus on single topics within a part
- Authoritative content from respected government agencies and institutes, university research centers, professional medical associations, and non-profit health organizations
- Comprehensive chapters feature generous use of headings and subheadings for ease of navigation
- Tables, charts, and illustrations display statistical data and supplement explanations
- Helpful glossary provides definitions of technical terms
- Resource directories with contact information highlight organizations that can provide further information and support
- Professionally prepared master index provides easy access to descriptive information, definitions, and related concepts