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Disability Series

Disability Rights, Benefits, and Support Services Sourcebook, 2nd Edition

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A disability refers to any condition affecting the body or mind (impairment) that renders certain activities more challenging for the individual with the condition (activity limitations) and hinders interaction with the surrounding world (participation restrictions). According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around a quarter of adults (27%) in the United States live with a disability, facing diverse challenges such as mobility issues (12.1%), cognitive impairments (12.8%), difficulties in independent living (7.2%), hearing impairments (6.1%), vision problems (4.8%), and limitations in self-care (3.6%). These individuals experience a disproportionate impact on health, exhibiting higher rates of obesity (41.6%), smoking (21.9%), heart disease (9.6%), and diabetes (15.9%) compared to their counterparts without any disabilities. This significant statistic emphasizes the urgent need to create accessible communities with tailored accommodations to help reduce daily challenges, empowering individuals with disabilities to participate in the roles and activities of everyday life actively.

Disability Rights, Benefits, and Support Services Sourcebook, Second Edition provides updated information on various disabilities and their societal effects. It emphasizes the significance of inclusion for individuals with limitations and addresses barriers hindering their full participation. The book covers disability rights and laws, outlining the rights of individuals with disabilities in education, housing, employment, voting, access to medical care, and transportation. It offers information on disability benefits, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), tax exemptions, coverage options, and compensation. The book details the pursuit of financial independence for individuals with disabilities, covering housing benefits and employment opportunities. Furthermore, it explores how assistive technology facilitates individuals in recovering from injuries and resuming their daily lives. It concludes with a list of government organizations providing services to individuals with disabilities.

Part 1: Understanding Disabilities defines disability, illustrating different types of disability. It discusses strategies for disability inclusion to implement in programs and daily activities for people with disabilities. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of disability health information for the general population, women, and family caregivers.

Part 2: Disability Rights details the various disability rights laws and disability rights movements that people with disabilities have regarding housing, voting, and protection from discrimination. It covers the rights to education and employment opportunities for students with disabilities. It further delineates various contingencies related to mobility access to medical care, including medical equipment and examination rooms, as well as airline rights for passengers with disabilities.

Part 3: Disability Benefits focuses on federal assistance for various disabilities. It emphasizes different insurance coverage plans for people with disabilities, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). It discusses various benefits, tax exemptions, and disability compensation schemes for the general population, children, and veterans with disabilities.

Part 4: Support Services for People with Disabilities provides insight into ways in which people with disabilities can achieve more independence financially and in terms of employment, housing, and health care. It emphasizes the various adaptive, rehabilitative, and assistive technologies available for easy transportation to enhance the quality of their lives irrespective of their disabilities.

Part 5: Additional Resources provides valuable information about employment programs for youth with disabilities. It concludes with a directory of organizations offering support services for people with disabilities.

Standard Features in the Disability Series

  • 5 ½ x 8 ½
  • 200-300 pages per volume
  • Easy-to-use volumes organized into parts and chapters. Parts focus on broad areas of interest. Chapters are devoted to single topics within a part.
  • Authoritative content from respected government agencies and institutes, university research centers, professional medical associations, and non-profit health organizations.
  • Comprehensive chapters feature generous use of headings and subheadings for ease of navigation.
  • Tables, charts, and illustrations display statistical data and supplement explanations.
  • Helpful glossary provides definitions of technical terms.
  • Resource directories with contact information highlight organizations that can provide further information and support.